Page name: Akayume's 365 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-05-04 21:39:33
Last author: Akayume
Owner: Akayume
# of watchers: 6
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2010-07-04 [Akayume]: I couldn't decide! :O I think I might combine them into one image, but I'm not sure yet. >.O

2010-07-04 [Akayume]: I changed the "Sushi <3" picture. I like this one better.

2010-07-04 [Nioniel]: Beautiful photos!

2010-07-04 [Akayume]: Thank you so much. (: Some are old ones I edited because my camera was lost (tear) but they were pictures I had been meaning to fix up anyways. :D

2010-07-04 [Nioniel]: That's cool.

2010-07-04 [Akayume]: (:But July 3rd I did take today. XD

2010-07-08 [Skydancer]: Some very nice images in there, I love the texture on the feathers

2010-07-09 [Akayume]: Thank youuu! :D

2010-07-10 [another brick in the wall]: Do you know what flowers you photographed on July 3rd? They look like Columbines, my favorites.

2010-07-10 [Akayume]: I have no idea. O.o

2010-07-13 [Foxy Shazam]: Love the new photograph.

2010-07-13 [Akayume]: Thanks. :D

2010-07-14 [Akayume]: <img50*0:> idk if I like this one or the current one better...

2010-07-26 [Akayume]: I've been meaning to upload for ages. >.O

2010-07-27 [Nioniel]: oooh, very pointy!

2010-07-27 [Akayume]: Thank you. :D

2010-07-27 [Nioniel]: ^^

2010-09-13 [Akayume]: So far behind DX

2010-09-13 [Nioniel]: :(

2010-09-14 [Akayume]: My laptop was broken for the longest time, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

2010-10-25 [Akayume]: Now I'm only two months behind instead of three. DX

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